
Married Couples Pack On More Pounds

听写于:2016-8-10 12:47 用时:25:23 正确率:95% 错词:13个


Bridget Jonesand , in print ant and on screen, called them the " Smug Marrieds" . - the happy couples that seem seemed to have it all. But maybe the fictional Jones should have called them the " Plump Marrieds" . " Because along with our friend offering couples unbright unbridled bliss. , marriage can cause them to pack on some extra pounds. That's according to a study in The Journal of Family Issues.

Sociologist Jay Teachman, at Western Washington University, examined data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth. The data included in fell info about more than 3,000 African Americans over a 20-year period.

Teachman tracked body mass indexbody-mass-index, BMI. , a measure of obesity, from adolescence to middle age. And he analyzed the relationship between BMI, marital status , and changes in marital status. It turned out that living without a partner usually equated to being thinner and having a lower BMI compared with married people and couples living together. The single folks included the never-marrieds and the divorced.

Both men and women gained weight . but when it came to race, black women had the most rapid weight gain, followed by white women and then black and white men.

The weight gain was just a few pounds . - but even a slighted slightly higher BMI is associated with weight-related health issues.

Several reasons exist for the weight discrepancy between the single and married people. For example, married men and women may be less concerned about their body weight because they are they're no longer actively seeking a mate. Plus, married people have a regular dining partner. , possibly leading to more meals. On the single side. , those who were are widowed , or have gone through a divorce may lose weight due to stress.

So , well, while this news may not be good for the " smug marrieds" . , it may be welcomed by Bridget Jones. The single, and very weight-conscious, Jones may actually of have had the easier path to staying thin than her married friends.

  • Words worth to be remembered:
    • unbridled adj. 无缰辔的,无羁勒的,无拘束的
    • smug adj. 沾沾自喜的,自以为是的;体面的 n. 自命不凡的人;书呆子
    • plump adj. 丰满的;充裕的;鼓起的 adv. 沉重地;突然地 n. 扑通声 v. (使)鼓起;变丰满,使丰满;(使)突然沉重地落下


Bridget Jones, 在印刷出版物或者荧屏上的动态形象上,都会称他们是得瑟的一对——那些欢喜冤家看上去十分美满。但是也许故事中的Jones本应该称他们为富态的一对。 因为,除了提供给夫妻双方无拘束的幸福生活以外,婚姻还会造成他们的体重直线上升。这是根据一项发表在《家庭报》杂志上的一项研究得出的结论。

西华盛顿大学的社会学家Jay Teachman,调研了全国青年纵向调查得到的数据。这些数据包括了对超过3000名的非洲裔美国人进行了长达20年的调查的所有信息。

Teachman调查了身体质量指数 BMI, 一种从青年到中年都是用(適用)的,衡量肥胖症的重要指标。然后他分析了BMI与体能(婚姻)状态以及体能(婚姻)状态改变之间的关系。结果显示,和已婚并且住在一起的夫妇相比较,没有伴侣的人通常较为苗条并且有比较低的BMI。单身人士中包括了一直未婚和已经离婚的人。



所以尽管这则消息对得瑟的夫妇们来讲或许并(不)算好消息,但对Bridget Jones来讲倒是还不错。这个单身的,十分关注体重的Jones, 也许真的有比她那些已婚朋友们更简便的保持苗条的方法。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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