
听写于:2016-12-21 11:56 用时:18:57 正确率:92% 错词:17个


But first, how did it used use to be ? and how did we end up here?

In 1973, journalist Hunter Davies was allowed into the inner sanctum of Tottenham Hotspur. Davies spent the a whole season with the team, training with them, visiting the players' homes , and witnessing the dressing room confrontations. In the modern era of painstaking media management and tight security, no sports writer will ever again be granted such unprecedented access.

Not one of the 19 players in the first team pool had an agent, a lawyer, an accountant, . They had no manager looking after them. It was It's all just a word out of mouthsmouth. They got roughly £200 a week. They lived in £2000 20,000-pound houses . It's since the 1970s . and Spurs at the time, like Arsenal, had no advertising in the programprogramme. You can't believe it, can you? And they had no advertising in the ground on billboards. billboard because they thought felt they were above that, . They were above nasty commercial , merchandising and promotion. That was really the end of the an era they've that's gone on for over 100 years.

£200 per week translates into £2,181 in today's money, which is quite a bit. , but no in nearly where near the amount the top players earn today. In 2004, Hunter Davies was invited to write Wayne Rooney's autobiography. Rooney was 19 at the time , and this was set said to be the first in the a series of 5 five to cover the rest of his footballing life.


但首先,球员过去的收入是怎么样的?我们是如何结束这种观念的呢? 1973年,新闻记者Hunter Davies被允许进入托特纳姆热刺足球俱乐部进行内部随访。Davies花了一个季度的时间和球队呆在一起,他和他们一起训练,一起去球员家做客,亲眼目睹更衣室里球员间的混战打闹。在当今无比谨慎的媒体管理和周密严格的安保措施之下,没有任何体育记者可以再次被准许拥有这种前所未有的近距离接触行为。 起初,在一个19人组成的团队中,没有一个球员有专门的代理人、律师和会计师,也没有球队经理来关照他们。这只是一个口碑的问题。每周他们可以拿到大概200英镑。自20世纪70年代起他们就住在20,000英镑房租的房子里,像阿森纳,在节目中也没有他的广告代言。简直令你难以置信,不是么? billboard排行榜中都没有有关他们广告的一席之地的原因在于,他们认为自身的价值远不止于这些。他们的价值立于那些不入流的广告营销之上。抱有这种想法的球员时代已经整整结束了超过100年的时间了。 每周两百英镑放到现在就是2181英镑的价值,可以说是相当大的一笔钱,但这笔钱和现在的顶级球员所能赚的相比还够不着边儿。2004年,Hunter Davies受邀编写韦恩鲁尼的自传,那时鲁尼19岁,他的自传被认为是五个球员自传系列中的第一个,以至于其价值盖过了他剩下的的足球生涯。

王 超辰 - Chaochen Wang
Real World Evidence Scientist

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

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